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Danielle Bayard Jackson is a female friendship coach and educator

who speaks nationally about the science of women’s platonic connections

Danielle Bayard Jackson

She is a female friendship coach and educator who speaks nationally about the science of women’s platonic connections.Her coaching business, Friend Forward, is dedicated to teaching women how to create and maintain better female friendships.


Danielle’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times, NBC News, Psychology Today, Wall Street Journal, FORTUNE Magazine, and Oprah Magazine, various talk shows and a host of other media outlets.

A former high school teacher, Danielle now uses her teaching skills as an educator to coach women through common friendship conflicts. As a member of the American Sociological Association, she uses the latest research to create practical, tangible strategies to help women create more depth in their platonic relationships.


As the resident friendship expert for the global app Bumble, Danielle shares her insight weekly on The Friend Forward Podcast, has several viral videos on TikTok, and recently signed a book deal to bring her practical, research-based strategies to the masses.

You can learn more about Danielle and her work by visiting Check out her video below sharing more about what to expect from her keynote!

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