Convention Education Sessions
Search and filter through all education sessions being offered at Convention on July 6 and July 8 by date or audience. Be sure also to download our Convention Event App to set up and customize your itineraries for each day!
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An Introduction to Alpha Xi Delta's Membership Experience Survey
Alpha Xi Delta is excited to announce its partnership with Dyad Strategies to deploy a survey that will measure the impact of the Alpha Xi Delta experience on our undergraduate members!
Date & Time
July 6, 3:00 pm-4:00pm
Collegiate Delegates Required, All
Translating Your Sorority Experience: Resume Workshop
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae from various professional fields will be on hand to review your resume and offer professional advice. Bring a hard copy of your resume and walk away with valuable feedback.
Date & Time
July 8, 11:15 am-12:00 pm
Officer and Member Relations: Creating a Culture of Mutual Respect (Open Forum)
Topics discussed will include building rapport and respect, maintaining confidentiality, practicing transparency, and soliciting feedback. Over the duration of this session, you will have the opportunity to visit at least 3 table topics.
Date & Time
July 6, 4:15 pm-5:15pm
Understanding and Strengthening Member Engagement
Using strategies from T.J. Sullivan’s Motivating the Middle, this session will explore the root causes of why members feel disengaged, identify ways to tailor activities and events to meet member needs, address barriers to engagement and retention, and learn tools for building realistic member engagement expectations while working to motivate the middle third.
Date & Time
July 8, 11:15 am-12:00 pm
Housing 201--From Good to AmaXing!
Join us to discuss all things housing for your chapter and meet our National Housing Corporation (NHC) team! Come with your questions, success stories, or just to learn a little more about what makes Alpha Xi Delta housing and the NHC special.
Date & Time
July 8, 11:15 am-12:00 pm
An Introduction to Alpha Xi Delta's Membership Experience Survey
Alpha Xi Delta is excited to announce its partnership with Dyad Strategies to deploy a survey that will measure the impact of the Alpha Xi Delta experience on our undergraduate members!
Date & Time
July 6, 4:15 pm-5:15pm
Collegiate Delegates Required, All
Translating Your Sorority Experience: Resume Workshop
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae from various professional fields will be on hand to review your resume and offer professional advice. Bring a hard copy of your resume and walk away with valuable feedback.
Date & Time
July 8, 10:15 am-11:00 am
Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Carefrontation
This session explores the nature of difficult conversations and the steps you can take to share important information, gain clarity, set boundaries, and express feelings and beliefs through empathy and managing emotions.
Date & Time
July 8, 11:15 am-12:00 pm