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Click on the tabs for the schedule overview of each day. 

Please note that times and events are subject to change, so continue to check this page for

updates. Please review the What to Pack page for attire recommendations for each event and day.



3:30-7:30 p.m. Convention Registration, Marketplace & Shining Stars Open, 5th Floor

Registration for Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention will open at 3:30 p.m. ET and is located on the 5th floor. When you check in at registration, you’ll get your Convention nametag, favor, and other information related to Convention. After you check into your room and the Convention Registration Desk, you can explore the city, shop, relax in your room, etc., until we meet again in the evening for the Celebration of Sisterhood dinner. The marketplace, featuring Xi Boutique, and the Foundation’s Shining Stars, will also open at this time. Xi Boutique and the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation take cash or credit.


3:30-7:30 p.m. Remembrance and Reflection Room,Juilliard Room

This area is a quiet space for Sisters to remember those who have entered Chapter Eternal and/or who need a place to step away for quiet reflection. 


4:00 p.m. Hotel Check-In Open, 8th Floor

Guests can check in to their rooms at 4:00 p.m. ET. Check-in for rooms is located on the 8th floor, where you will get the keys to your hotel room.


6:00-6:30 p.m. Page Orientation

More information coming soon!


7:00-9:30 p.m. Celebration of Sisterhood Banquet (Seated Dinner), Westside Ballroom Salons 1-2

This is a seated dinner where you’ll sit with other Sisters who are from chapters in the same state as your initiating chapter. Attendees are asked to wear navy blue, light blue, and/or gold to this dinner! At this event, we will take a roll call, which is where every Alpha Xi Delta chapter will be called or presented, and the members from that chapter will announce or celebrate that they are present at Convention. We will also honor our Women of Distinction Award recipients at this dinner.

Eduction Sessions
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Alpha Xi Delta holds National Convention every two years. This event serves as the time for conducting business of the Fraternity during National Chapter meetings and provides an opportunity for interaction between alumnae and collegiate members. All Alpha Xi Deltas, collegian or alumna, are welcome to attend!


Phone: 317-872-3500   |    |     Email:

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